The Yoga & Meditation Club
When: Mondays
During Lunch
Where: Room 9
All are welcome (students, staff, and visitors alike), no experience is necessary. If you are interested in improving your strength and flexibility, finding mental and emotional balance, improving your health, or just want to try something new in a non-judgmental community, come join our club! We look forward to practicing with you.
A little background information…
Yoga is a 5,000-year-old philosophy and system for living an enriched life. There are many aspects to Yoga, the most commonly known being the practice of postures and breathing techniques, known as the asanas. Today millions of people around the world engage in the asana practice due to the benefits it provides, such as stress relief, physical strength, vitality, healing, stamina, and peace of mind.
Meditation is an ancient skill that continues to benefit humankind today. It is a technique, which when practiced regularly can help develop concentration, clarity, awareness, and a healthy perspective. There are many different ways to practice meditation, from movement to chanting, yet mindfulness meditation is becoming more and more popular in today’s changing world. Mindfulness meditation can help reduce depression, stress, and anxiety, as well as help develop self-knowledge, resilience and a positive outlook on life. Namaste.
Will Yount
Phone: 805-385-5735